
March 7, 2024

Dear Tribe,

If you’re reading this it means we made it. We made it to the place we’ve been working towards since we were college kids desiring to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. To the place we’ve been chasing since before Kenya, before Rowen, before Julien and honestly since before we knew who we were. We have dreamed of South Africa, we have cried over South Africa, we have longed for South Africa for over 5 years now. 

I’m overcome with emotion when I think back about all it’s taken. I remember crying in New York City airport when our first trip was stripped away from us. I felt so scared, so alone and like we let down so many people. I remember having to cancel our second trip in 2020 because the Earth stood still for an entire year while we all tried to navigate such foreign waters. I remember every person asking with doubt in their eyes “Are you sure this is what you’re supposed to do?” We’ve never been so sure of anything in our lives!

I think back on all the late night talks, 3am prayers, scraping every penny we could find, selling T-shirts, coffee mugs, working pizza inn fundraisers and begging everyone to help us get to the place our heart longed for. It was such a grind for so long, but somewhere along the way we found ourselves. We realized that this is more than just a temporary desire. This is who we are! We discovered how much we truly need Jesus. We experienced what it’s like to live a life that requires faith. We learned how to dream God sized dreams. We discovered what true intimacy with God looks like and we became so hungry to share all we’ve learned with the world. 

The fire in our heart to tell people Jesus’ name for the first time and the passion to teach them how to be intimate with Him is unmatched. The Great Commission tells us to “Go and make disciples.” We believe discipleship isn’t learned from just a pew on Sundays, but in a prayer closet on Friday night or a journal on Monday morning. We want to teach people how to love God in the secret place (Psalm 91). We want to share all we’ve learned over the years of struggling to get where we are today. 

Yes goodbyes are sad, yes distance is difficult, but don’t be sad for us. We are exactly where God has called us to be. We are where we want to be. We are home! And we are here because of you! Thank you Tribe! For believing in us, for buying into a couple of crazy young people who God called to reach the nations and we simply believed Him. This has been such a beautiful journey, but it’s only the beginning. This movement will make unreached people groups a thing of the past!

  • The Hippie Missionary




His name is Jesus