His name is Jesus

October 4, 2023

"A paintbrush isn’t able to paint something without paint."

A phrase I read this morning during my devotion. I don't think you guys realize how powerful that simple phrase was for me. Recently God has been doing some incredible things in my life. I don't try to hide the fact that I'm on a journey just like everyone else, I still struggle with my walk and I have weaknesses I’m very aware of. Recently, I've become very aware of just how powerful it truly is to openly, publicly and audibly speak to God. I've begun to start every prayer with "Holy Spirit, I welcome you into the room!" Man.... just typing that gives me chills. There is something about letting Him know that I want others to know He is personally invited into my life. 

The other night I was with my tattoo artist I’ve been working with for about 2 years. He's on a crazy journey searching for spiritual truth. He's never been inside a church, he believes in a higher power, he believes it could be Jesus, but he's uneducated on Scripture so he's got a lot of questions. Over the last 2 years our conversations have taken us to some really special, deep and personal places. He is SOOO close!!!

The other night I felt like I was supposed to pray for him and I didn't, like I said, I have weaknesses. I left the shop heavy with conviction and I told Anna how I was feeling. She said “There is always tomorrow.” I looked at her and said “But, there really isn't…”  The next day I had the opportunity again and I knew I couldn't miss it. We had another awesome conversation and at the end, with my heart pounding I said "Jim.. can I pray with you?" He said "Yeah! I would love that! How do we do it?" I grabbed his hand and we all circled up. As soon as we were about to start another artist walked in... Jimmy jerked his hand out of mine, stepped back and grinned almost with embarrassment and whispered "What do we do?" I looked at the other artist and said "Nick we're praying, wanna join?" He grinned and said "Yeah, I'm not scared." (Shows how little understanding these guys have of church) We circled up again, and I said "Holy Spirit, we welcome you into the room!" Jimmy gripped my hand hard almost like he felt the Holy Spirit step into our circle. I prayed a simple prayer about God revealing Himself to all of us and helping us find truth. I ended with "In Jesus Name! Amen." When Jimmy lifted his head the glow and smile on his face said it all. He may still have questions, but he KNOWS God is real! and His name is Jesus!

Guys we have no power in our words. My prayers aren't powerful enough to make someone feel something... But, if we realize we're just a paint brush in the hands of the Father and the blood of Christ is what we're choosing to spread, we will see eternities changed forever! I love you all #Tribe

Tattoos aren’t for everyone and that's absolutely okay! This post isn’t to encourage others to go get tatted in an attempt to reach their artist. It’s just my story of how God has continuously given me the opportunity to reach those that others may never come in contact with. I’m thankful He continues to lead me on this pilgrimage to go places others have never been before. I’ll never stop going! This is my journey, it was laid before me by God and it’s absolutely beautiful!

  • The Hippie Missionary




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