No shortage of water

May 24, 2024

Father, the glass not only seems to be half empty, but it feels as though the water is evaporating before my very eyes. There comes a sense of great desperation when you don’t just desire something new, but feel like you’re losing what you once had. What I would give just to add the sweat that is puddled under my glass back to the inside. From the perspective of others I still have something to drink, but my fear is that what I have is all that is left…

HOWEVER, there is no shortage of water! Despite my fears and contrary to the way it may appear at the moment. The well is far from empty and the river still runs strong. God is simply waiting on the right time to give you the refilling you are waiting for. Raise Your hand and believe the water is on its way. God hears you, God sees you and it is never His desire for you to go thirsty. 

In just a matter of days you will go from thirsting to swimming. What was once your greatest need will become that which is no longer a limitation. I speak freedom. Freedom to dream God sized dreams. Freedom to plan without fear of what tomorrow holds. Freedom from the mental attacks of the enemy and freedom to simply become aware that God’s reach is not short. You are within His grasp. He is only an outstretched arm away. Reach out and know37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” John 7:37-38 

  • The Hippie Missionary


Consider the sheepdog

