Consider the sheepdog

August 27, 2024

1 Peter 5:2

'Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. '

It’s easy to fall into the habit of making sacrifices for God, living a radical life, and performing selfless acts of kindness when surrounded by a supportive Christian community. While you’re making sacrifices, you also receive praise from your peers, which can be tempting. If you’re not careful, you might start seeking their approval rather than focusing on obedience to the Father.

Consider the sheepdog: it’s never concerned with receiving praise from the sheep. Its main focus is to please the master. The sheepdog’s love is profoundly humble. It understands that the sheep might not care for it, might even mistake it for an enemy, but it is willing to lay down its life for them simply because the master loves them. The sheepdog is driven by a desire to see the master smile, to hear words of approval, to make the master proud. What a thought!

What if we approached our service to God’s people with the same attitude? What if we loved them despite their behavior, regardless of how far they stray, and irrespective of how they view us? What if we resolved to chase away the wolves, endure sleepless nights, and lay down our lives if necessary—not for our own praise, but because the master loves them and has entrusted us with their care? My obedience is not about earning rewards but stems from a profound love for the master. Pastor, minister, man or woman of God, be a sheepdog today! The Father loves them and trusts you to care for them.

  • The Hippie Missionary


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