Settled in

April 26, 2022

We have just wrapped up our eighth week here in Kibera and I feel like our lives are already forever changed.  After this short time of being here with my wife (Anna) and 8 month old son (Rowen), I believe I will never see the world the same again. When I’m back in the States I feel like I won’t be able to appreciate certain things the same, what used to hold value in my life will be nothing more than a bitter reminder of the hardships those that I’ve grown to love face every day. 

Adjusting to life here has been difficult. It feels as if there’s no escape from the brutal heat, not even when the sunsets. Riding on the back of a strangers motorbike through traffic like I’ve never seen before, just to get to the store, makes you wish you were back on pothole-filled roads at home in South Carolina.  Having your infant get sick and worrying if it’s a disease you’ve heard about on TV or a simple cold brings you to a new place of humility and reliance on God.  

However, in the midst of what seems like total chaos and uncertainty we find ourselves standing in total peace.  I believe this is something you can only experience when you step into the perfect will of God.  I would say I’m envious of those who stand in God’s perfect will just miles away from friends and family, but that would be a lie.  This calling, this place, these people are simply beautiful.

I have come to realize in the midst of all we face each day is also a place I had to be brought to in order to understand what fully relying on God feels like.  I have seen God move in ways I could have never imagined.  The doors that have been opened, the prayers I’ve seen answered, the peace I’ve felt is something otherworldly.  Humbled, is the only word I believe can come close to expressing the way we feel, but it doesn’t come close to saying what needs to be said.  

For those who don’t know, we work in Kibera Kenya at an orphanage that houses 41 children full time and 133 during the school year.  Our compound, as it sits, is capable of housing 400 children full time. Unfortunately, we currently don’t have the financial support to make this a reality. However, this doesn’t stop us from praying, believing and preparing for it daily. The need is clear and we fully believe God has sent us here to play a part in the solution.  

Globally 42% of the population which is 3.2 billion people are considered unreached (Have no knowledge at all of the Gospel) Africa sits at 26% unreached which is 388.7 million people. Kenya is at 29.4%, 5.1 million people. In Africa 8 Countries are over 95% unreached and 2 are 100% unreached.  Kenya seems to be one of the highest reached countries in Africa, however it is the #1 country in Africa for child sex trafficking.

Last year alone, girls ages 10-14 had 20,828 babies. Ages 15-19 had 24,106 and 36% of these girls live in extreme poverty, which results in them having to sell their babies for survival. Kenyan babies sell for less than $500, contributing to this seemingly never ending cycle of the child sex trafficking epidemic in Kenya. Less than 2% of these children make it back home.

Currently, we specialize in scholorshipping these children, giving them free boarding, education, clothing and all they need to enjoy their childhood. We are also in the process of developing a program for these teen moms. We will educate them, their children, give them an apartment and teach them life skills such as money management, public transportation, a trade  and how to be self-sustaining.  The day this facility opens will be the first day the girls in these situations will have hope of something more in life.  There is not a single program in Kenya specializing in this, even though statistically, it is one of the fastest growing problems in all of Africa.  

We welcome any and all to walk with us as we walk in the footprints Jesus has laid before us.  Feel free to reach out to us on social media with any questions. We love sharing our vision and dreams with everyone.  You can also watch our weekly videos on YouTube. The channel name is The hippie missionary and of course, our profile is on the Church of God World Missions website missions # 065-0972. 

We know we’re young, we know there is a lot for us to learn, but this is a road we are willing to die on. God is doing something truly special in our life right now.  We believe wholeheartedly that He has given us a vision and plan to make unreached people groups a thing of the past.  To kick it off, we will be hosting our first conference next Summer on July 29 2023.  We believe God will bring young people from everywhere to join hands with us as we reach the Nations!

  • The Hippie Missionary


A Year in