A Year in

November 10, 2022

We are roughly a year into this “career missionary” journey. It’s been one of the most exhilarating years of my life. At only 25 years old, I feel I have experienced more than most people twice my age. I’ve seen God’s most beautiful artistry in the landscape and wildlife of Africa. To sit at a waterfall in the middle of a jungle with no one around, just the sound of water crashing, african birds singing and a slight breeze blowing through the trees is one of the most calming yet liberating feelings I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I’ve experienced a group of street kids laughing as all of their worries and fears disappeared for a small moment because we stopped to play a quick game of soccer. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard something you felt went directly from your ears to your heart, but that’s the best way I can explain the way I felt hearing those kids be kids again. I’ve seen grown men look like they’re holding treasure because they were given their very first Bible. I know we can’t see the face of God, but I promise I’ve seen His hands at work. 

Our time has been filled with emotions at their very peak. We have laughed, cried and felt fear in a way I never imagined was possible. Having to leave the safety of the compound in the middle of the night, with 10,000 people rioting right outside, to take our baby to the hospital taught me to pray in a way I didn’t know I was capable of. It was one of those “God you called me here now look at this mess I’m in!” kind of prayers, but we made it to the hospital without a single stone being thrown at our car. 

Living out here I’ve experienced the beauty in simplicity, I’ve been brought to a new place of peace in life and I truly believe I know God in a way I never have before. I firmly believe it’s because I have been blessed to feel what it feels like to be living in the exact place God has called me to for this moment.

With that being said, we realize where God has called us to be is in His will and He has confirmed to us over and over He is calling us to South Africa. We were targeting August 2023, but missionary baby #2 is coming August 2023!!! so it's looking like January 2024! We are moving to Port Elizabeth and start planting house churches. God has opened the door for us to obtain visas through Pilot School. When I have received my license our dream is to fly teams into countries like Somalia and South Sudan where the church is forced to meet underground and teach them how to plant house churches as well. I don't believe we have ever been as excited for ministry as we are right now. These are the first steps to us beginning the movement we believe "Will Reach The Nations." Just like God spoke to me at 10 years old. 

  • The Hippie Missionary


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